Category: DIY


Lucky Shamrock T-shirt

Super simple green clothes to celebrate your Irish heritage…doesn’t matter if you have a little or a lot (or maybe you are borrowing for a

Beauty Tips and Tricks

Simple Sunburn Save

Sunny days are here and even the careful among us can get burned while enjoying the nice weather. You can soothe a sun burn with

Terri O

Fashion Onesies and Burb Cloths

It’s time again for the blog hop at Favecrafts. Click on the button above to check out some cool spring fashion ideas. I have a


DIY Turquoise Pendent

No creativity required to create this gorgeous necklace just the right tools.  Click HERE to see how I made this!

Just like in the fashion magazines!

Studded Shoes

Why pay top dollar for hip chic shoes when you can bling them yourself? Learn how now.